Further Resources

Fieldstone Counseling

We are so proud to be partnering with Fieldstone Counseling, who offer Christian counseling and seminars. If you'd like to connect with a Fieldstone counselor you can fill out an intake form here. After you fill out the intake form, please email us and let us know that your intake form is completed to ensure we can offer you continued pastoral care and to answer any questions you may have.

pain to Purpose groups

No more letting your pain hold you back! In The Pain to Purpose Course, you will learn how to overcome the overwhelming emotions of your tragedy that have been overtaking you. You’ll learn how to create healthy rhythms that will help you heal and discover the unique and powerful purposes God wants to accomplish through you in this world. 

This course will be offered in five different groups on several days of the week. Choose which day and time works best for you! The cost is $25 to cover the cost of your participant guide book. If you need your book sponsored, just check the box for that when you sign up. You can get all the info and sign up for the group that works best for you here!

celebrate recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome and gain freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. CR is designed as a program to help those struggling by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through their recovery process. 

CR meets every Friday at 6p 

here at the 325.

Childcare is available. 

For more info about Celebrate Recovery you can email here or check it out on Facebook.

rightnow media

You can have access to your own RightNow Media account with thousands of discipleship videos for you and your family. You can stream video series on books of the Bible, faith topics, grief, healing, etc.

Create your free account here!