Fun lives here.

KidzWorld is designed for infants through 5th grade. Our desire is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Through engaging teaching, supportive environments, and close knit small group times, we guide kids towards a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!

Parent Resources

Every week we put out a parent resource link on the Grace app so that parents can know what their kids are learning each weekend in KidzWorld. There you'll find conversation starters, lesson overviews, a memory verse game and KidzWorld announcements.

5th Grade Experience

In all services from September - June, 5th grade students now end their time in KidzWorld with intentional small group, leader and peer discipleship, and in-depth Bible study to prepare them for youth group. They will have a week long experience at Kidz Camp to prepare them to level up to Grace Students this summer!

Check In

Safety is our highest priority in KidzWorld. Every adult volunteer is background checked annually. Our kids wing is secure with only checked in individuals entering. We use a check-in system called Kid Check to ensure that the adult who dropped off the child is the one who picks them up. Click below to create an account.

KidzWorld Environments

All of KidzWorld environments are staffed with volunteers who have passion and desire to serve Jesus through our kids ministry. Each volunteer is trained for the area they serve in to understand developmental and age specific needs.
KidzWorld is an allergy safe environment. Class from Nursery through Early Elementary provide puffs, goldfish and water. If a child needs a specific snack requirement, that is noted in our kidcheck system and in the classroom environment. Any snacks from home must be peanut free, no peanuts can be present in our KidzWorld Environment for safety of all of our children.
Waddler Way Nursery (6 weeks-24months):
Our nursery provides a loving and nurturing environment for the littlest members of the church. This is a space to help ease the minds of new parents and allow them to enjoy the worship experience while knowing their little one is safe. Two rooms are available for this age group. This allows for enough space for babies learning to crawl and walk!

Parents are welcome to bring a diaper bag with your own snacks, diapers, bottles and anything your child may need.
Toddler Town (2 & 3 Year Olds):
Toddler Town is a clean, safe and fun space for our toddlers to explore during the church services. In this room, we will begin to build a spiritual foundation by engaging the kids with coloring, beginner Bible stories and songs.

Parents are welcome to bring a diaper bag with your own snacks, diapers, bottles and anything your child may need.
Adventure Area Preschool (4 & 5 Year Olds):
Adventure Area is an environment that allows preschoolers to begin their adventure about learning who God is and explore His Word. Preschoolers will interact with others and build their faith through stories, songs, crafts and stations. Our class is structured to continue to build foundations and begin spiritual disciplines.

Children must be potty-trained to move up to this environment.
Kidz Connection (K-1st grade):
Kidz Connection is our early elementary environment where our kids begin to “Connect” the Bible stories they know to how it applies to their life. They will begin to use the foundation of the truths found in Luke 2:52 and build upon their spiritual disciplines of reading their Bible each day, worship, prayer and more.
Studio Kidz (2-5th grade):
In Studio Kidz, our elementary aged kids will start to learn how to tell God’s story and begin to form their own faith. Kids  will take the Bible stories they have learned and begin to play their own part in The Great Commission of telling others who Jesus is. Our focus is teaching kids how to take all that they have learned, build lasting spiritual disciplines, and train them up on how to live out their faith each day. Our hope and prayer is that kids step into a lasting relationship with Jesus and learn to tell others about him as they go into the world.
Special Needs:
KidzWorld is an inclusive environment for all children. Child with special needs are welcome into our KidzWorld environment. Our KidzWorld team partners with families to create a plan to help their child thrive. Please contact Sarah Fitzgerald at to meet about creating a plan for your child before arriving to KidzWorld!