Kidz Camp at KidzWorld is going to be the best week of your kids summer!
- Kindergarten - 5th grade
Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible?
All this week, we will explore the biblical answers to all of these questions as they set off on an epic adventure through Genesis to Revelation. Grab your binoculars and get your adventure hats on, it's time to take the Great Jungle Journey!
Each night kids will have intentional Bible time, crafts, snacks, an epic game time and an emphasis on missions. Every night will start with a hype session and end with a time of recap and worship to prepare for the next night!
All week we will explore the. “7 C’s” of History.
Here's what we're learning each night:
Monday Night: Creation. ALL is good. Our first C takes us back to the beginning of time and the creation of the universe when it was all good. Did the universe start with a big bang, or did God create it? – Genesis 1
Tuesday Night: Corruption and Catastrophe. ALL sin. Next, Adam sinned, which affected his descendants, who were so wicked that God sent a global flood as judgment for their sin. – Genesis 3, Genesis 6-9
Wednesday Night: Confusion. ALL in confusion. The fourth C checks out the events that began at the tower of Babel. Can this be where all the people groups originated from? – Genesis 11
Thursday Night: Christ and the Cross. ALL need a Savior. At these stops, we realize once again that man is sinful and needs a Savior. Hallelujah, God provides one in his Son! – Various scriptures
Friday Night: Consummation. ALL is good again. The last C shows the thrilling conclusion to history when all goes back to very good again, and—best news ever—God wins against sin and Satan. – Revelation 21-22
Come back on Saturday night for a family fun night in The Backyard following our worship service!